La Farola, besides being one of the two Spanish lighthouses having a feminine name, is a recurring element in Málaga's iconography. Much loved by the city's inhabitants, they started building it in the 19th century and it was finished in 1816, in the time of Ferdinand VII (1784 – 1833).
It has undergone several renovations during its history. The first was after the damage caused by the 1884 earthquake. Improvement work was undertaken in 1885 and a new device fitted to improve the light that guided seamen at night. The lighthouse keeper's house was enlarged in 1909.
During the Civil War, although orders were given to turn off the light and paint the building to make it more difficult to see, it was damaged and needed repairing.
It has undergone several renovations during its history. The first was after the damage caused by the 1884 earthquake. Improvement work was undertaken in 1885 and a new device fitted to improve the light that guided seamen at night. The lighthouse keeper's house was enlarged in 1909.
During the Civil War, although orders were given to turn off the light and paint the building to make it more difficult to see, it was damaged and needed repairing.